1. Installation

2020-09-30T02:30:37+10:00September 30th, 2020|

Installing the artificial grass the right way will help a long way in the fight against pet urine smells! Using artificial grass in-fill is also effective as it absorbs the ammonia, neutralising dog urine on artificial grass (or any other [...]

2. Regular Maintenance

2020-09-30T02:23:51+10:00September 30th, 2020|

Depending on how large your fake grass covers and how often your dog or other pet uses it as their own personal toilet, you need to wash the surface down with water. A hose or bucket is fine and monthly [...]

3. An artificial grass cleaner

2020-09-30T02:23:22+10:00September 30th, 2020|

Using an artifical grass cleaner will help clean the surface and ensure it always smells great. When an animal urinates on artificial grass, the urine typically settles in the crushed rock base and the backing mat of the synthetic turf. [...]


2021-03-09T22:47:23+11:00July 16th, 2020|

Australian Lawn Wholesalers 0438 515 470 mark40gerber@gmail.com Unit 4/11 Ridley St, Hindmarsh. SA  5007


2020-09-30T02:27:11+10:00July 16th, 2020|

Simply Synthetic Turf Perth 0432 359 339 Matt@simplysyntheticturf.com.au Go Greener 1300 944 989 gogreenersynthetics@hotmail.com


2021-03-18T03:46:49+11:00July 16th, 2020|

Tidy Turf Brisbane/Gold Coast 0401 800 22 info@tidyturf.com.au Advantage Sports Nth Queensland 07 4031 2742 info@advantagesports.com.au Grassports Brisbane (07) 5593 7427 info@grassports.com.au [...]


2021-01-04T22:41:25+11:00July 16th, 2020|

Artificial Turf Supply Canberra Unit 3, 5-7 Felton St,  Mitchell. ACT 0433 677402 turfsupplycanberra@gmail.com Keeping It Green ACT/ South Coast NSW 0410 682 457 info@keepingitgreen.com.au [...]


2020-11-25T21:48:01+11:00July 16th, 2020|

All Weather Grass Northern NSW 0414 910 667 cpriem@allweathergrass.com.au Australian Synthetic Lawns Chullora NSW 2190 0490 128 067 carina@australiansyntheticlawns.com.au King Turf 3/38 Raymond Avenue, Matraville 2036 [...]


2020-11-25T21:42:37+11:00July 16th, 2020|

The Synthetic Grass Project Melbourne 0432 512 400 jhodgetts@syntheticgrassproject.com.au Easy Turf Sunshine West 03 9315 3041 sales@easyturf.com.au Grass Solutions Mount Waverley 03 9830 8646 info@grassolutions.com.au [...]

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